Take your payments to the community

Companies like Pampered Chef, LuLaRoe, Mary Kay, and Norwex sell vastly different products, but they have one very important thing in common. All of these companies use independent consultants to push their products, and a main way that the consultants sell is by hosting parties in their neighborhoods. Envoy Business Systems has a way to making selling and hosting an event easier and more lucrative via their mobile payment solution.

Better Payment Option

Independent consultants travel from friend’s house to friend’s house to sell merchandise to acquaintances and party attendees. Guests at these parties may be coming more for the social factor, than the buying factor. However, a person may change his or her mind and become anxious to make a purchase once they see the consultant’s merchandise first-hand. If a buyer has not brought a checkbook and is short on cash, a consultant that can offer a mobile payment option is going to make the sale.

Envoy Business Systems allows an independent consultant to accept a credit or debit card via processing through their very own smart phone or tablet. This makes for a paperless transaction, that is also much more secure than taking a check from an unknown person. It also avoids the mishaps that can occur with handling cash, and misplacing currency while working on the road to sell a product line.

Electronic receipts can be immediately issued by Envoy Business Systems. This will help an independent consultant keep meticulous track of all transactions, and it will also enable a salesperson to request and get a customer’s email address for repeat purchases in the future.

Contact Envoy Business Systems to learn more about their products and offerings.